Residential Lease Agreement Template – No Agent Involved
R899.00 incl. VAT
Residential Lease Agreement Template – No Agent Involved
Direct lease agreement between landlord and tenant for rental of residential property.
- Streamlined rental contract process outlined
- Direct communication with landlord
- Lower overall costs and fees from agents
- Flexibility in lease negotiations between landlord and tenant
- Essential to ensure the tenant and owner know their contractual responsibilities
A residential lease is an agreement between a property owner and a renter – or a lessor and a lessee. To outline and detail the terms under which the tenant can occupy the landlord’s property will be the purpose. Once signed, the agreement allows the tenant to live in the property for the specified duration. The document also specifies the timing and amount of payment the tenant must make to the landlord as rent for the property.
It also specifies what should happen if the agreement is breached. The lease will explain rules for the tenant (such as no smoking) and the landlord (like giving notice before entering).
Purchase Terms
All products have a maximum of 5 downloads, thereafter the link expires. Be sure to save your templates in a place you can find them again. Download links expire within 12 months. Our products have a zero-return policy because you obtain the intellectual property on purchase, and this is what is being sold. Our templates come with the standard terms and clauses applicable to that type of contract. It is up to the purchaser to add or delete from a template based on the circumstances and requirements of the transaction a contract or template is used for. Zeelie Online, its agents, staff and legal counsel can’t be held legally liable in any way shape or form based on the outcomes from agreements and templates purchased from our site. Legal counsel should be sought if you wish to have the contract signed in the presence of a legal representative.